Saturday 16 July 2016

Would you Adam and Eve It?

Thursday 14th July
A fantastic weather window opens up - BP and AT have no option but to heed the call of the wild west and explore the unfound and forgotten features of
Shepherds Crag
Even though it's a frequent venue there is still plenty to do, 2 new routes and one old fave for me, one new and two long since forgotten for BP

New route alert!

BP on the testing moves at the intro to
Brown Crag Wall VS4b

Red pants rule ok!

Surprisingly good cimbing up corners, grooves and a hard entry to a hanging slab (BP shows how) to a fine tree belay

Thought provoking climbing and some fine positions in this unsung sector of Shepherds Crag.

AT on P2

Well worth another visit - a big change from the slabs up round the corner

BP shows off his hot new pants in the warming sun

Next up - a visit to an old flame.....

Ardus!  First done 27/09/98

So I guess we could leave the guide book in the sack....

BP running P1 and P2 together working hard to keep ahead of those red pants!


Nice shot by Pixels Perry

Going well - time for another one

AT - "Adam?"
"What do you think?"

"If not now, when?"

AT fails on P1 (no pics)
BP makes it - just!
AT follows - just!

BP retains his turn for P2 and sets off in a fine position - pants ablaze

A hard move right then back left

Very sustained climbing to a proper rest at the tree, then it just keeps on coming for another 15m

Great gear all the way,

A magnificent lead by BP

AT makes brief acquaintaince with this guy who was belaying on Eve
Turns out him and BP were recently acquainted.

You wouldn't Adam and Eve it...!

Full story here

Brown Crag Wall

Climbers on the arete and slab

Ardus MVS 4b (L)

(Climber visible on P3)

Adam VS 5a (R)

In summary 

That libation at the H&F was bang on target!

Check it out here!