Friday 15 July 2016

Stoned again

Tuesday July12th
Back from the south feeling a bit needy for a crag outing... fortunately BP had a plan that both me and CB could jump in with, and introduce SP to the delights of my spiritual climbing home, where it all began at
The Wainstones 

The Ling's the thing!

BP doing a fine job striking a CB pose on Ling Buttress S4a

BP in free flow

No posing here on the Sphinx Nose Traverse S4a

Direct finish - why fiddle with the flutes round the corner?

SP starts to see why "this is the finest outcrop route of its grade in the NY Moors, and it has simply got to be done before leaving the crag"

AT gets the key side pull leading to the Crux of Christopher (HS4b)

Still a bit to do before the "Phew!"

AT winning the battle of The Bulge VS4c

The number 4 Metolius cam provides much reassurance on the hand traverse

CB follows whilst SP finds her way up one of the slab routes

And finally one last fling up a Ling before succumbing to the massing midges