Monday 18 July 2016

How about it?

Sunday July 17th
M off to Hadrian's Wall with the gang.  Had spoken with CB at the Wainstones about some possible Lakes action next week, mentioned Gimmer and C route, he came back with Kipling Groove!  Fortunately(?) CB could only do Sunday, we ruled out Gimmer given that it would be heaving and Langdale car parking might be tricky.  After a quick confab came up with a remote, off the beaten track crag, and with some knowledge from the last visit back in 2009 (hors de combat at the time).  CB v keen, never been to
Little How Crag (Coppermines) 

Parked at the Walna Scar track, 3.5km walk in, 420m ascent, 85 mins.

Not many pics from the day here's one from 2009

Sunshine Arete
Found this to be very pleasant but certainly not Diff here, more like low Severe.

The sunshine was somewhat lacking also

The walk off was pretty horrible
 Back up to date

CB on Thunderclap VS 4c

Excellent climbing on very rough rock, plenty of gear

CB finishes the route.

Good spike with wire back up for belay and abseil station - used on this and subsequent routes, which follow distinct good lines to the right and left of this one.

AT committed to abbing off the down yawning gulp

7th abseil in last month

More than the last fifteen years put together.

I hope I never really get used to this
L- R
Sunshine Arete Diff (AT,CB) 41m
Black Moss Crack HS 4a (AT,CB) 39m (direct finish through overhang 4b?)
Thunderclap VS4c (CB,AT) 31m
Grease Lightning (VS 4c) (CB,AT) 30m
Slap up feed at the Sportsman!!
Steak and Ale Pie deemed "Up to standard!"