Sunday 31 July 2016

Twin Peak

Saturday July 30th
BP back from the southern brink, seems a lot has happened since the Adam and Eve it efforts.  Lack of a solid Lakes forecast finally forced a foray to Derbyshire - first time this year and it's almost August - lots to catch up on so headed for the Queen of Gritstone .....
Stanage Edge

Verandha Pillar HS 4b

AT anxious about lack of gear

Mr P took over the lead
Have pro, will travel!

Sketchy finish above good gear

Wind picking up, sun fading out.
Three more safe and easy routes done - but all getting a bit wild,  so had a confab and retreated back to car for the short drive to the sheltered haven of......

Only one other pair there!  What a great call!  Sun fully out.  No wind to speak of.   Possibilties restored!
Quick lunch then metal tested on Excalibur (VS4c) - the magnificent soaring corner above the pool

 Hard moves gain the lower slab

Then up into the corner proper

Gear in...
Lay back and think of England

(50 years to the day since World Cup won)

Another view of this fantastic must do line

Climber committing to the fingery lay back moves

© Paul Phillips 

AT eats up Gingerbread
VS 4b

One crack
4 wires

BP moves out of the comfort zone and up to the very steep finish of
VS 4c

He's got the Power!

Hanging off the crack to place the reassuring finishing friends

Great exposure composure Mr P

Limpopo VS 4b

Follows the obvious corner left of the slabs

Gingerbread taked a line left of the arete on the right of Limpopo

Sun finally illuminates this rather forboding line

Swallows gear

The finish is steep

And pretty hard at the grade

A worthwhile finale to a really action packed day

The Speed of Life
Routes done
Stanage (note inverse grade progression)
Verandah Pillar HS4b BP AT  8m
Intermediate Buttress HVD 4a AT BP  8m
Verandah Cracks Left 8m VD BP AT
Verandah Cracks Right D 8m

Excalibur VS 4c BP AT 20m
Gingerbread  VS 4b AT BP 10m
Tyrone VS 4c BP AT 18m
Limpopo VS 4b AT BP 10m 
Last 3 routes with second pitch about 6m each
100m target reached!