Thursday 28 July 2016

Going Gabbro

Tuesday 26 July
Looking for an amenable venue with range of possibilities to suit today's trio, a quest for the holy grail..... ? settled on an esoteric venue in Mosedale in the NE Lakes. From one extreme to the other c.f last Tuesday, from intimidating and complex crag architecture to benign slab uniformity, rural tranquility versus remote high mountain atmosphere. Easy access drive-wise but a rather tedious twenty minute scramble up steep bracken and scree.  Despite its undoubted obscurity a pair was already in action on....
Snail Shell Crag

NB dances on up this gabbro stuff


PM follows with a soft shoe shuffle

AT gets a move on as the weather threatens to break

This rapelling is getting to be a bit de rigeur...

Awkward descent and a multiple thread anchor on hand so seemed sensible

Now up to 11 this year!

After a while the routes and moves all seem to blend into one big slab fest

Gear ok, some sections a bit run out
Crag setting.
There is a path believe it or not!

Various climbs done , NB lead 1,3 and 5 from this list, 120m total
Assorted pics follow
Weather brightening up over the afternoon

Venue flagged
On the eastern slopes of Carrock Fell

Lots to do for the boulder folks

Two chaps from Cockermouth already at the crag

Good company

A few showers passed us by and it looked pretty gloomy towards Hellvellyn etc.

Micro climate?

Walk out


Mercifully short

More pics
Car rock........!!
Shuffle featuring
Ray Charles
Archie Bell and the Drells
Dire Straits
John Lee Hooker with Carlos Santana
Snowy White
The Beatles