Sunday 4 August 2019

Scot Crags Re-Run

Saturday August 3rd

Fridays planned trip to the NYM was aborted en route - rain was not in the forecast but it was tipping it down everywhere east of Darlington.  Saturday morning seemed a lot more promising so this time competed the drive out to;
Scot Crags

Ferns are way over head high on the walk in.  Although the path was damp it was never waterlogged and the rock felt pristine after some good drenchings in the last week.

BP just visible on the ascent path

BP drapes himself around a route on Curtain Wall

Red trousers third week running

Just washed slings can't do a flinging thing with 'em

BP out walking the Whippet at VS4c


AT doing his utmost to impress

It's a

Fellow climber finds BP offer irresistible.

Inspects route and gear with a view to leading sometime

Opts instead for sharp end climbing in a fine position on the nearby Gravity Wall

Jack's Delight is a bit run out in the middle hence lack of extenders

Good protection is available to take care of the topping out