Tuesday 6 August 2019

Event Horizons

Monday 5th August

Chance to get out with the comeback kid.  What could be better than a tour round the fabulous facets of;

The Wainstones

NB makes a post event return to the crags


The classic Wall and Ledge provides an entertaining opener

© Tony Marr 2017

NB eyes up the direct finish from the end of the East Sphinx Traverse

Welcome breeze after the recent sticky spell

From June 18

Ling Buttress invites

AT manages to rectify last week's debacle on Christopher

Gets good wire in
Finds secret hold

More than 4b surely
(HVS 5a in S Wilson 1992 guide)

AT struggling to have a good time

This creepy crawly joined us on the walk out

In time it will turn into one of these