Friday 9 August 2019

Borrowdale Favourites

Thursday August 8th

Summer is pressing on, and with just two Lakes trips in the bag it's time to grab another one. It's been three years since this team were at;

Shepherd's Crag

So another visit to this major venue is about due.   Heavy rain had fallen all day Tuesday.  There had been more overnight.  Conditions in the morning were quite interesting.

At least the screes were bone dry

AT heads up into the light

Brown Slabs living up to its name.

It's a monster long single pitch

One of a dozen or so youngsters having an outdoors day.

Very green at this end of the crag.

BP on his first ascent of Brown Slabs Scoop

A streak of cleanish but gear free rock leads to the much improved upper reaches.

BP digs deep and holds it all together somehow.

The last section is also bold

Derision Groove provides a complete contrast

Gear everywhere
Abundant holds

Pristine rock

AT on P1.  Left BP to placate a very angry ants' nest.

Adjusting the anchors to create more room on belay.

A hard move through some spooky rock leads to a superb wall

BP accepts the challenge of the RH overlaps

AT reaches the hanging ramp that leads to the finish.

Previous ascents have opted for moves from below that lead to an exit at the bottom rh corner

Three fairly long routes on a windless humid day have taken their toll.

Ready to call it a draw.