Monday 26 August 2019

Hasty Bank Holiday

August 25th

August Bank Holiday blessed with superb weather for once.   But how to beat the traffic jam blues and escape the madding crag crowds?   Head for this year's GO-TO NYM venue at;

Raven's Scar

Arrived to find TM, MT and JP already on the Forest Face opening gambit.

Seemed rude not to follow suit

AT contemplates runner options on the upper wall.

Meanwhile the TM/MT combo romp up a sunny Airlift

JP red-points Fever Pitch

A three star Moors Classic at
E2 5b
Steep going!
© Tony Marr,

Away to the left is a great spot for gearing up if it's raining.

Visiting cattle have trimmed all the grass very nicely.

Not much left of the usual path though.

Another regular that had to be done En Passant

BP passing through the same spot

The line of Lazy Bones looks deceptively straightforward from below.

Although team Marr and co had been up and cleaned it recently, it was not recommended as a lead so out came the brushes and a top rope.

The transition across would have been quite scary on lead

All rather dirty, in super dry conditions the climbing would be very worthwhile at the top of HS4b.

Looking down the finishing corners

We'll be back!

AT feels like finding a way up Via Anna

About time it got a direct lead.

It seems that a bit of sun helps with the crux moves at the very top

Evening Wall
En Passant
Lazy Bones
Ahab (red, not done this year)
Forest Face
Harlots Groove (red, not done this year)
Via Anna

Plenty still to go at!