Friday 11 August 2017

Rhylstone Cowboys

Wednesday August 9th
Glen Campbell 1936 -  Aug 8th 2017

After sticking to the grit for a few sessions good to get chance to head west for a quick hit - time a little limited so the crag of choice for ease, quantity and quality has got to be;
Castle Rock of Triermain
The day got off to a rather poor start with news of the closure of the A66 - scooted round via Middleton in Teesdale to Brough - lost about 25 mins but rewarded with great views of the Eden Valley, brightening skies and a dry crag.

BP opens the regular circuit on Lilith

Simply whistled up it

The rock is impeccable.  AT eyes up the finishing corner on Slab Climb

Note mimimum rack!

(been up here before)

The corner yields to a variety of approaches

None of them wrong

All of them good

From September 2013

The Gman on the move

Another superb outing up the groove on Wall Climb

Ready to rock over in an exposed position

Broody view to Thirlmere

AT on the often ignored lower pitch on Gangway Climb

Well worth doing, logical, consistent and safe.

Time to move round onto the front face

BP nerveless on the steepness, boldness and directness of the first ten metres of Direct Route

Doubtless undergraded at 4b

Higher up in the company of visitor from Inverness, making nice work of Gazebo next door.

It looked quite hard.....

Kleine Rinne translates as Little Gutter

Another steep start leads to fine and varied climbing with a bold crux 

BP on P2, a delightful finale to an action packed day out

 AT watches from a bong-tastic belay

Direct Route
Kleine Rinne (climber on P2 as per BP above)
Gangway Climb

BP diverts round second A66 closure on route to York
Whupped em again Josie!