Tuesday 1 August 2017

Peak Downfall Dodgers

Monday July 31st
Got lucky with a dry session on Friday in the midst of all the showers.  Same again Monday?  Pushed our luck with a drive down to a very windy Peak - hoping for shelter from the storms at;
The GO_TO venue for a dodgy day!   All the bad stuff passed us by only a slight shower all afternoon and plenty of bright sun.  RESULT!!

Snail Crack

A nice slow start at VDiff

Nothing new about Nova
HS 4b *

But still feels a perfect example of the grade

AT gets his act together on Tyrone

Steep finish
Protection is great all the way

BP balances up the slabby corner on Three Trees Climb

AT follows in a short sharp shower

A lovely setting.
Climbers on Gingerbread
© StevieLee UKC

Gingerbread is a tasty route but it's all over too soon

AT stuffs up the crack

Some slightly worriesome moves to come

Any one of these should hold

Rain stays away
Whupped 'em again Josie!

BP knocks off Nailsbane in fine style

A new tick in the new book!

Grand Finale

As per Eastern Grit 2010 

Wetherby sounds