Saturday 5 August 2017

Repeat Peak

Friday August 4th
Once again on a mission to dodge the showers and find shelter from the persistent westerlies gusting at 30mph plus.  Checked in at Yarncliffe, had a look at the state of the rock, and checked straight out.  A short drive brought us back to the safe haven of;
Seems like we just can't get enough of the climbing here - same crag twice in a week must be some sort of first.

NB gets the show on the road

Snail Crack at speed

Few bits of good gear and a tasty top out coming up

AT enjoys a bit of peace and tranquility

Soon to be in short supply

Contemplating another placement on Nailsbane

Another excellent warmer upperer

BP starts the first of a sequence of Power moves on Tyrone

Get on up there!

Actual real live moves featured below!

NB follows in style

Nice going

Unlike Biggles...

Unknown climber throws some shapes on Great Peter at
E1 5b

NB gets another route in from the new guide - Bole Hill

By now the distraction factor from the guys and their kids was getting too much - time to de-camp.

Headed off right to check out The Delectable Variation

Looks pretty compelling....

Starts bottom right.

Traverses above the overhanging break

Finishes top left


The starting moves are all quite hard to here

A fine throw by NB supplies an unbeatable big bong to enable progress up this jutting groove

Moving up to regroup on the big ledge

Set off across the long traverse

At this point things got a bit wild is the wind

Felt too precarious to carry on and retreated to a happy belay back on the ledge

Plan B swings into action!

BP arrives and tackles the tough corner to enable the Great Escape

NB joins in on blue and follows through on red.

AT gets off belay and finishes off

A quick whistle up Three Tree Climb and it's time for the pub

Sherpa Perry brings up the all the sacks!

AT blags 3 leads........

Many more pics HERE
Only 141 taken on the day.....

Take me home Sheryl