Saturday 12 August 2017

Combe Raiders

Thursday 10th August
The photos and narratives in the new Borrowdale Guide Book  provide great motivation to try out off the beaten track venues - NB inspired by the prospect of rough rock and dramatic views from up on;
Twa Hummocks
Actually two neighbouring crags on the east side of Combe Ghyll offering a fine view of Raven Crag directly opposite and long outlooks up to Derwentwater and Skiddaw.

50 minute walk in. Twa Hummocks in the middle distance

NB on Twa Hummocks South

Gaining the ridge proper

Leads on to a fine belay


Ready to take a heathery belay on Twa Hummocks North.

The pitch above features a fine wall - great rough rock.

NB seems to like it!

A series of pleasant steps lead to the top

Raven Crag gets none of the sun
Climbing calls completely audible from over there.
A pair seemed to get into bother on P3 and ended up retreating back to the foot of the climb.

The start of the North ridge bottom right

NB walking out
The climbing all on the lower crag directly above NB
Upper crag at top left
The old guide describes routes that combine pitches on both!


50mins in

40 mins out