Saturday 24 October 2015

Wild Shepherds

Thursday 22nd October Pretty breezy everywhere especially East of Pennines - headed out west hoping that the forecast of improving weather would hold good.  Seeing as it's getting well past the equinox and the nights are quickly drawing in and no desire to push any boats out figured that steady climbing on familiar ground would be adventurous enough given the possibility of 30+mph gusts and the occasional squall.
Shepherd's Crag - Brown Slabs

A summer view of today's venue
Only three parties on the crag
Plenty to keep us all busy for a few hours

NB cruises up to the old oak belay in the middle of Brown Slabs

PM wanders at will

AT close to the limit of his satiability

The angle eases after the first 100 feet
Fabulous spot

AT starting out on Brown Slabs Face

Avoiding the grey green greasy section 

Fine open climbing says the new guide.  Up from VD to HVD plus a third star- that will do nicely!

Meanwhile the chap from Newcastle has a bit of Limpopo on Brown Slabs Crack

Even on a dodgy day Borrowdale takes some beating

NB keeps the slabfest going

Pulling the red rope through on the way the belay on Brown Slabs Arete

Belay soon coming

BS Arete
BS Face
More pictures might be 
(if you have access permission)