Monday 19 October 2015

Face of the Gods

Saturday 17th October

BP up for a day out - had planned a couple of un-done VS at Sheperds but the crag car park was rammed, so carried on to the Bowderstone car park to make the most of the NT parking rights and hiked all the way to
Woden's Face.

Of the Anglo Saxon God Woden.... "He is death. He is war. He is the raven that feasts on the hanging victims. He is danger incarnate. He is mind-madness, an ecstatic madness that he fully embraces, comparable with the worst of our own creative potential..."   

Just like us then

Forget the training, just buy a new guide and see your grades improve

Minor crisis - quickdraws still in garage!! 
60cm slings all pressed into service, fortunately BP had just forked out on a few - managed to make up about 8 altogether - phew!

Outing with the Family

BP's new rope makes a bright enough debut

Custard Cake is a yummy route, all over too soon really

About to commit to the slippery move on Blue Riband

Good to have a big friend in

BP puzzling out the awkward moves low down on Wimpey Way

All sorted in good order

Higher up

Plenty of scope for finding a fine position

Crag getting a bit arboriated

Have to get onto the council......
Bella Belay Vista

Woden's Face

Very run out in this section even with a high runner out left

Used to be VD, now MVS

Reckon MVS 4a about right

BP on WF Super Direct

Harder but somewhat safer, over the bulge at 4b?

Round the right is the pumpy start to Woden's Cheek

Once the first gear is in things calm down a bit

Fine open climbing with some cheeky bits of gear
BP soaks up the late afternoon light

More Gods of Rock