Thursday 29 October 2015

A Fine Finale?

Tuesday October 27th

Another Late Season Special - dreadful weather east of Pennines but another world out west - got to be Lakes again!  Nights drawing in, need fast access and exit and single pitches to suit all three members, where else but the fabulous rock of that prime venue.....
Castle Rock of Triermain

Looking forward to the regular circuit on a very mild Autumn day, not at all gnarly, how disappointing.....

Gearing up

Just scraped in at quota..

Today's setting
BP gets ready to tackle the head wall on Lilith

Get on up there...!

PM making the steep and delicate last few moves

AT on Slab Climb

Lost count of number of repeats

Always a treat

PM looking to seek out those side pulls

They are all still there!

Moving right along to Wall Climb

Wonderfully varied

Steep groove
Steady slab
Bulgy finish

BP gets his hips well forward

Fine style

The superb Gangway Climb

PM in an amazing position

Sensational verticality from this angle

Time for another one....

AT on the steep intro to Direct Route


Easier here

Cue a phew!

Then into the steep and juggy crack system

The crag basks in the glow the late afternoon sun

BP reaching for the good hold

AT wresting with a pair of irritable Italians
(belay plate succumbed to gravity)
Bit of a struggle to keep up, managed to make it work
Winding up
Fingers crossed for another balmy Autumn day?
Gangway Climb
Wall Climb
Slab Climb
Direct Route

More pics if you have permission here
"So much of it's terrible, but all of it's great"