Friday 2 October 2015

All for the Peak

Thursday 1st October
The high pressure continues to hold sway - full tribe out for the Indian Summer and with the Gman returning all options catered for with a visit to Stanage and the Balcony Buttress Area.   Arrival timed to coincide with the sun burning off the morning clag, cue fabulous weather and a festival of spontaneous rope hopping and random tying on - all adding up to a great afternoon on the crag.

Today's Melange

AT in position to move (as in grovel) up onto the Balcony of the eponymous buttress.  The finishing wall is just round the corner

BP on the exposed traverse of the adventurous Little John's Step

NB gives it rock Awl

Full team got this one Dun

PM nice and tidy on a solid 4b

Meanwhile the chaps from Salewa CH piddle about on some nondescript E3 6a

BP gives it his Awl, the Swiss guys lap up the 3c beta


Leide ganz schwierig Spass zu haben

NB makes a bid for the spare place on Trafalgar Square


NB in Amazonia

Powerful moves to get established above the undercut start

As demonstrated by BP

Followed by the inevitable "Pheeeww!"

Late afternoon

Balcony Climb
Steep and a bit dirty
Jams and jugs keep coming

A compelling line

Bombed up it apparently

BP cleans up

Unknown climber seconding "The Link"
E1 5b
FA Chris Craggs 1974
Amazon Crack
Balcony Buttress
Long John's Step
Amazon Crack
Balcony Climb
Balcony Buttress
Fairy Castle Crack
Long John's Step
Awl (ALT finish)

Exit via X country to Lady Bower
Homeward sounds 
cheers Bob!