Tuesday 8 August 2023

Scot Crags Spare

 7th August

CB on a mini-break with Denmark based buddy over for a visit.  After 2 wall sessions feeling the need to get out.  A couple of feelers put out, all enquiries made, and headed off to the NY Moors to drop in on my mentor NP in action with a group at;

Scot Crags Scugdale

Got roped in (??) to help look after two pairs gaining points towards the RCI qualification.  Turned out to be a very enjoyable day providing some spare head, hands and feet in support of the main man.

View from walk in

Seconding Corner Left Direct

Not easy having a good time

Only ever one first day outside

Only ever one first trad lead

Talking of which, this from 25 years ago minus a month

Jo popped by to say Hi!

This photo almost as old.