Friday 21 July 2023

Attermire Mixture

 20 July

Fifteen years have gone by since the last visit to the dramatic West Yorkshire landscape dominated by the multiple buttresses and outcrops going collectively by the name of;

Attermire Scar

Headed for the far flung South West Buttress overlooking Settle in the valley with views stretching All the Way to Memphis Morecambe Bay  

 A good walk up bottom right to upper left

Today's venue on the far left skyline.

CB offering advice to a sport climbing party

First 3 climbs variations of  Flicker at VS 4c, quite adventurous, Binks earns his wings!

CB on Moonlight

Only gets VS 4c

Felt like a stiff  HVS

Gear improves after a very bold start to about six metres above a very bad landing.

Flicker 3 
Flicker 2
Flicker 1
Fergus  (abandoned)

50 years ago today

All the Way from Morccambe 