Wednesday 23 August 2023

Corby Blimey

 Tuesday 22nd August

Had a planned lunch cancelled, so the climbing window sprung a latch and we were off on the A1 again, this time north to have another go at getting some routes done at what has to be one of Northumberland's most scenic venues;

Corby's Crag

Eight years ago paid a visit there with NB.  We retreated in some ignominy after struggling on two of the easier routes.  This time determined to make some kind of dent on the guidebook!  

Great vista from the lay by.

AT all geared up and enjoying a solid hand jam at the start of today's first route.  Might come in handy later.

Jazzy new 60cm extenders make debut.

AT pussyfooting a way up The Plonka (S 4a)

These moves feel quite tenuous at the grade.  

Friction?  It's a long way from Stanage.

A team from Sheffield Uni joined in (travelled up from Newcastle).  Started out on Plonka as well

AT had a go at reaching this position direct for the final lead of the day (Crossover S4a)

It didn't go well.  At all.

CB on the second of 2 routes on this wall.  The other one follows the flake to the left.

Both VS 4c, both good.  

LH route very bold start on steep rock.  Belayer holding breath.

Overunder follows a rising traverse around three bulges  (arrow)

Climber is on Plonka

AT leading Overunder (HS 4b).

Friction a bit better here.

Good gear in.

AT revels in a superb jam and moves on up

Had a look at Audacity at the left hand end, look very sustained so given seven routes done chose this fine line up the RH buttress.  LP (VS 4c).

Great moves up to a balancy finish left on poor hand holds above the last gear.


Winding down after a cracking day.

Crag now fully rehabilitated.

The County at its best

12 - Crossover

13 - Plonka

15 Scotsmans Way

16 First Opportunity

17  Scotsmans Way


Nuts Wall


Topos (c) UKC with thanks.
Notes; Crossover required a mix of  tactics, a bit of a headbanger
            Nuts Wall took two goes to get up crux, crucial hold has been broken off.
"June 2023. The crucial hold for the rock over from the top of the crack onto the good resting ledge has sheared off making the move harder."  (UKC comment)

All the way from 1971