Thursday 1 September 2022

North Buttress All Stars

 31st August.  

Back in 2016 AT and BP in good form put together an Ardus  / Adam combo plus a big one pitch effort up Brown Slabs.

Six years down the road and it felt about time to do another version of that "Would you Adam and Eve it?" episode.  See here .  But this time include Eve in the mix replacing the Ardus sideshow.  Here's the plan.

CB P1 Adam,  >   AT P2-3 Eve

AT P1 Eve,     >   CB P2 Adam

CB to lead Delight Maker (possible) or AT a route on Brown Slabs as part of route back to car (probable).    All these routes are rated three stars at Borrowdale's number one roadside venue.

Shepherds Crag

CB had to be back by 17.00 so with a 07.30 start we were ready to go at 09.45 from the base of the awkward bulky pillar of P1 of Adam.

The plan swung into action, CB made that first 5a pitch look easy.  AT didn't, but managed without the CB winch action.   

Eve P2 and P3 (left) 

Adam P2 (right)

Delight Maker goes up the middle, crossing P2 and P3 of Eve.

All set on belay P1.  

AT led though up and round the arete, gained the slab on P2 and wandered left ever further from the two small friends back there somewhere.  Eventually some delicate moves led to a couple of big wires and Tranquility Base was landed.  

From there P3 features great exposed positions and gear.

Setting out across P2's upward traverse.  

A low-fi mash up from an original by

rockrat ©

Adam VS 5a

AT led P1 (belay as per Adam).

CB before the crux moves up and right

Head left here for the Eve option

AT would have done well to copy this shape about 20 minutes later.  Went too high up left and lost pressure on right foot.  See you later Biggles!

Adam and Eve again share same belay, on ab-station plus another good spike.

New double ropes working well.  

Abbing off saved a lot of time despite a spot of bother retrieving the ropes first go, no parties following.
Although Delight Maker (HVS 5a) was handy, AT's gullibometer wasn't quite far enough over.

CB reckoned a change of scene would do us good, so we wandered over to Brown Slabs.

AT not up for an argument so went along to keep the peace😵

"A fantastic pitch of remarkably sustained interest"  (Rockfax)

Both sacks and all gear to the top.  From there direct to the car park.

And from there straight to the.....!!

Tales of derring do!

All routes 3 stars.

Sticky Fingers

Back at 16.57

Love it when a plan comes together