Sunday 25 September 2022

Raven's Return

Saturday September 24th

Heavy rain out west on Wednesday so hung on for a couple of days for better weather to dry things out over there.  Early start and a 1 hour fifty minute drive to the inviting walls and arete at;

Raven Crag Walthwaite

Back in late March AT and NB had to abandon and head to Scout Crag (nesting restrictions).  So a repeat visit was always on the cards. Once again time restrictions in play so wasted no time getting on with a warm up lead up Route 1 at S 4a.  Steady climbing with not much gear at all.  

Route 2  P1 and P2 (left)  and Tritus Protus (right)

AT takes a turn to lead P1 on Route 2

(HS 4b)

Another angle reveals the angle  - some fine positions on both pitches

CB gains the blocky groove at the start of P2  ready to head up and right.

Bright sun on belay.


12.15 and time for a spot of lunch.

Perfect weather.

Titus Protus combo

HVS 5a


Good gear and positive holds all the way

Below the groove leading to the roof

AT followed without too much of a struggle

An airy finish

Good hand holds arrive and the heart rate eases off despite the angle.

© Keith Sanders UKC

One more route, Enterprize 

(VS 4b)

AT wandered into the neighbouring route before coming back to join the arete.  Route finding seems to have taken a holiday of late.

Open climbing with some bold bits.

Walking out at 14.30

All go!

Route 2 (L)

