Friday 26 August 2022

Moor Marauding

 Thursday 26th August

Tuesday trip to Scugdale cancelled, to be replaced on Wednesday by a Thursday Brimham plan, to be replaced on Thursday morning following a fair bit of overnight rain.  So we ended up where we started at;

Scugdale (Scot Crags)

A watery sun gave way to actual spots of rain on arrival, and although there was not a breath of wind the rock was totally dry.  Right hand end occupied by a group so we got busy with the rope out left on Scot Buttress.

Corner Left Hand (S 4a)

Steady climbing 

From here up to another small foothold

The handholds up there are.... well,


CB sets out up Gravity Wall

Ready to move right for the variation finish 

"Defying Gravity" at 4c is another grade up from the usual way trending left.

CB reaching for more gear to take care of the powerful moves in prospect on Scugdale Chimney Eliminate      (VS 4c)

AT managed to get far enough up to retrieve these bits of gear.

Except the one in the top break which remained way out of reach.

AT (ever obliging) led up the Chimney so CB could sweep it up

CB finishes the day off with one of his favourites?

Pet's Arete (VS 4c)

He can't leave it alone.