Friday 19 August 2022

More County Lines

 Thursday 18th August

Continuing the County climbing series, looking for a change of scene from the regular venues so undertook a long drive crossing wide open country, past ancient battlements, and through country estates  to the delightfully user friendly rootin' tootin flutin' walls of;


This picture from last visit four years ago and the gorse is now starting to grow head high below the opening routes on the flutes

Here's AT in the same spot

AT rampant on this lovely climbing

So is the gorse

CB prepares to toot the flutes on Hi Diddle Diddle (VS 4b)

Playing some good tunes higher up

AT contemplates the slant on Slanting Crack (HVD 4a)

Opts for a direct finish straight up

Marcher Lord (VS 5a) was always in today's mission.  Both going well so CB kindly went first (again!).

It's an imposing line with a 


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CB about to launch upwards 

Jugs are out of sight ready to help with the powerful moves out left.

All done with minimum fuss as usual

AT followed in good order, would have been a gulping lead.

AT opts for the alternate way up to Western Arete (VS 4c)

That's why it's a separate route called Cheat (VD)

Nonetheless it's quite an adventurous outing as per this picture from 2018, like today the wind was well up.

CB showed how it's done following the line up from the left

Very tough start, 5a at least.

Eastern Arete (S 4a) is good value two star climbing

The finish round the arete is suddenly steep, by now the wind was really gusting. 

Steep finish The Flange's the Thang!

Guess who on the same route from the Northern Rockfax Guide picture
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CB whipped up a route to finish off, somewhere right of Marcher Lord going left of a tree.  Not described in any guide
The Flutings
Hey Diddle Diddle
Marcher Lord
(Not in guide)
Slanting Crack
Eastern Arete
©27 crags

End of day


Play Walking the Dog!
Dr Feelgood