Wednesday 1 September 2021

Trussed Up

 August 31st

The last day of August and a distinctly Autumnal feel is in the air.  CB's suggestion from last week put into action with a drive west to the varied climbing at;

Gouther Crag

Parking no longer possible at the water works, the large area further up the road was almost empty and added about 15 minutes to the walk in. About 40 minutes in total.  

No rain reported for over a week and the normal route up the buttress was bone dry

Delightful climbing up clean rock at a friendly angle, no stress so far!

Cool breeze out of the north east makes for a chilly belay.

The diagonal line of Scabby House starts from the descent path and proves a tempting option.

CB on the 5a bit.

The good hold is just out of reach.  

All done in good order, time to move on the the Fang Buttress

AT on Kennel Wall.  A 3 star classic.  One big pitch.

The Fang would have been a logical next lead for CB, but the wind was up and there were signs of rain heading our way.

Time to call it a draw.  

A shorter day but top quality climbing.

Attemire Pale Ale hits the spot