Thursday 23 September 2021

Coller Heugh

 Wednesday 22 September

Back from a week away on the south coast so time to make the most of the ongoing Indian Summer.  Travelled way up to the far north of north east Northumberland on a return to the various buttresses of Coller Heugh, more commonly known as;


AT made short work of the mostly easy angled  Christmas Tree Arete.

NB's image has somehow time travelled from four years back to point out the smeary jamming slopey undercut sandbagging start of this very pleasant Diff.

Then CB jumped 5 grades up onto this side pulling shocker.  Wilfred Prickles now lacking the eponymous tree but still full of stress and strain and worth the HVS it gets on UKC.

CB just flew up there.

After a promising start AT flapped at it like a raven with a broken wing. There's no success like failure. And failure's no success at all.

AT found the start of Deception Wall (on the left) too pokey and left it to CB to sort out.  

CB tackles it's big brother in a fine position.

Looking back down this compelling line, displaying a range of possible climbing styles.  Good value.

After a couple of leads at Severe and a bit, AT hands back the lead to CB.

The padding up the slab went v well on second.  But hand seizures rendered the wall finish into a dog's dinner for AT.

Moved along onto Cloister Wall

Opted for two pitches as shown in this montage.

All pixels there on the day. But not necessarily in this order.

Hanging belay - felt adventurous

An actual photo.

AT  just managed to follow P2 without rests despite cramping hands.

Previously led in 2018 with NB.

Happy Days

Various classics from this selection