Thursday 9 September 2021

Cracked Out

 Tuesday 7 September

An Indian Summer befalls most of the UK, so far not much gritstone action this year, the Peak felt too far given the amount of traffic down the A1/M1 these days.  However just an hour's drive away stand the imperious monoliths and extended edges of;

Brimham Rocks

The sun was already up to the power of three on the upper reaches of Cubic Block.

Some welcome shade

AT followed in identical attire to this lead effort from July 2018, in identical weather.

AT's turn to lead on the magnificent monolith of Cannon Rock.

Maloja gets VS 4c **

Probably owing to the descent off the back.

Although having a long reach helps a lot.

Another move along to the Triple Cracks sector

The classic RH Crack goes at 
VS 4b ***

Except it's much harder than Maloja, and has a horrendous swim out at the top.  

© Rockfax  "It's a relief to find that the exit is reasonably straightforward. "


BP arrives to follow the action on Cracked Corner which is comparatively very pleasant.

AT on the tricky starting moves 
© BP with thanks

Another climber, another day on the jamming testpiece of Right Wall.

CB executes perfect technique with unbroken skin.


AT now fully Binksinated

A cold lager at the Water Rat will make everything good again......

A finishing hold

Not much but it's the only exit.
You just have to love it.

Same as these rockers