Friday 5 July 2019

Raven Return

Thursday July 4th

TM and gang out in the NYM so joined in for a session on the impressive buttresses of;

Raven's Scar

Morning rays highlight the features and facets of the brilliant rock on Airlift

EJ follows

A fantastic setting

JP leads the same line

TM making the first ascent of Waterslide RH in April 2019

AT repeated this minor classic with a bit of beta from the man himself.

© TM Apr 2019

 BP following AT's lead

Looks a bit blank but holds appear

BP in the classic position on Forest Face   

AT explores the gloomy recesses  of En Passant

Much much better than it looks

3D climbing, very entertaining

EJ shows the way on the overhanging direct finish of Via Anna

Romped up  it! 

AJ demonstrates the LH finish 

There's a secret hold there


BP inspired to lead the same route

Good gear up there!

Great day's climbing more to do on the next return!