Monday 15 July 2019

Prime Lime

Sunday July 7th

There was talk of a trip to White Ghyll.  The colour plates in the new guide, and the prospect of some adventurous routes in a dramatic setting exerted a strong pull.  For a while.  Then someone thought a few things through, like a long drive in Sunday traffic, the prospect of a punishing walk in, the probability of a mini epic on some underestimated overbitten route, and a late return in a complete state of physical and mental exhaustion.  So common sense prevailed and a nice day at;

Twistleton Scar
.......emerged as a more appealing and amenable option.


AT leads out on Supreme White

The real difficulties come after the opening bulge.

Evening Star

Another good loosener

Another lead up Fretsaw has to be done

Worth much more than one star, great climbing and peerless protection.

BP passes the tasty crux on Angel Delight

A gold friend (2.5) takes care of business


BP looks up past the semi-detached pinnacle of Angel Delight

More of this later

AT drawn to the compelling line of Superiority

Takes the hanging corner 3/4 the way up the pic

Good job the guide wasn't consulted

© BarrySW19 UKC

After a bit of a fiddle fest, AT gets to grips with the steep corner.  This leads to a shiny slab where friction is best prayed for until a long reach gains a spike and sling.

Finally a small ledge provides tranquility base and a bombproof #10 wire restores respiration.  We're breathing again!

BP follows via the guidebook line up the crozzly wall

Then keeps up the momentum and makes the running on the Ballad of the Irish Horse

After which AT goofs and throws the ab rope straight down into a complete jam behind the Pinnacle of Angel Delight.

So another route climbed to retrieve it.  All adds to the tally!

Evening Star
Superiority (direct finish dotted)
Ballad of the Irish Horse
Supreme White
Cold Feet
Angel Delight

Libations at the Kings Arms Hotel