Wednesday 3 July 2019

Gardoms Jamboree

July 2nd 2019

Postponed holiday re-opens the loop to join back in with BP and CB on their recent grit quest.  Inspired by a UKC latest photo and returned to the shy buttresses at

Gardoms Edge

Tortuous drive through the uniformly red traffic lights of Sheffield city centre not to be repeated.  But arrived in decent time, wandered up through the wood and eventually found our target area.

AT grabs a plum route seeing as it's his turn to lead


A bit bold for first route of the day

An offset at knee level helps to reduce the flutter factor before the moves up to the next break.

The top ten feet is run out

A great variety of techniques required on N.M.C

CB demonstrates one of them

BP makes some smooth shapes on Velvet Cracks

Fancy footwork and a sequence of edgy side pulls lead to a rewarding hand hold

CB follows in fine fashion

Six climbers and two dogs arrive and swarm all over Apple Buttress

Time to move on

AT locates a placement to protect the rather improbable moves up the leaning off width that bars the way up Garden Face Crack

Turned out that

CB steps up, reliable as ever

Some cunning moves to the right tame the forboding offwidth

BP repeats the sequence


But good

The route regains gullibility and reverts to something like a pleasant outing

Cave Gully Crack is very steep and worth all of HS4b.

Hand jams have to stay in to support a tricky transition from here

A tough lead tamed by Mr P going well

More jams in today than the total so far this year

AT looks for the key to
Garden's Gate

Another improbable route that would surprise a Vdiff leader

CB ups the ante on Garden Face Direct VS5a

Fine open climbing to finish us off

BP looks at a long reach to a sloper

Sidepulls come in handy

It keeps coming

About the right band to go with my current form