Saturday 4 June 2016

Well Walth the Wait

Friday June 3rd

East-West weather split continuing, NB back in play following a couple of weeks vanning about - the only way is west but where?  Apparently there are still dragons to be slain out there so the crusade goes on at.....
Raven Crag Walthwaite

NB finds decent gear on the supposedly run out Route 1

AT tops out
1 Route 1
2 Enterprize
3 Hardup Wall
4 Route 2
Hard Up Wall doesn't offer much gear at all, and none where it really matters - one 4b sequence the rest at about v diff.
Best descent path off to the left (facing out)

AT on P1 Route 2


NB leaves a dead dragon behind on Route 2

Excellent climbing

The loneliness of the long distance belay

(Well it does say "well back" in the guide)

"Climb when ready" - by text?

Enterprize was too much of a draw to miss out on

Steps out and follows the inviting arete

Next stop....