Friday 24 June 2016

Middle Fellahs

Referendum  Day
June 23rd

BP raving in Glasto, leaving AT, NB and PM to go Raven in Langdale.  Mad Rocks still too frenzied for PMs toe so venue requires high comfort factor with a sense of adventure, a combination offered by
Middlefell Buttress 

NB sets off on P1
Quite steep, big holds and good gear

Not done this variant before - very nice and more in keeping with the overall grade of the whole route

NB high on our P2
AT gets all gloved up

PM follows


In the ongoing interest of making life easy on the feet, the next part of today's sport plan required......

More abbing!  


Everyone safely down
Rope pulled through


Evening Wall at about 16.20
Catching all the sun going

AT on belay
NB on P2

NB moves up

AT begins P3 of Evening Wall

Bit tricky here (FF2?) so moves left to good pro and easier ground

Thanks to PM for support getting off