Friday 10 June 2016

Lakeland Cragsmen

Thursday June 9th
CB back in the loop for a very brief window between Spain and Norway.  Had been up Langstrath walking a few weeks back and watched a pair high up on a crag above Black Moss Pot, I've looked up there many times over the years and thought it was about time I paid a proper visit.  So no time like the present for the long anticipated trip to...
Sergeant Crag Slabs

CB selfless as ever led the way up  Revelation, nice enough although the upper groove was sopping wet from recent spells of heavy rain so moved right onto the fine finishing wall of Endurance at 5a.  

Given the setting and the routes done opportunities for action shots somewhat limited
Climber on Revelation (2012)
 © Dom Bush, Land and Sky Media with thanks.

A nice shiny abseil chain made getting down physically painless but psychologically testing, by the third ab' at the end of the day it was getting less of a mind melter

No probs for CB!

Lakeland Cragsman 

A compelling line.  Superb.

Well protected with three overlaps to deal with, sustained climbing almost all the way to the top.

Aphasia E2 5b

CB places some devious gear and gets ready to make the really hard moves to reach a good pocket
 How did he get up there?

Words fail me..... 

Very hard to follow and desperate over the second bulge

AT ends up in dogsville

CB splits into 2 pitches - run out of qds
 Aphasia © neil the weak UKC with thanks

Call yourself a climber?!!?
Stand up straight you 'orrible little man!!!
And what circus did you get those pants from?

AT struggles to wipe that grin off.
Revelation / Endurance
Lakeland Cragsman
Aphasia (P2 is Terminator 2 HVS 5a)

Looking back up from Black Moss Pot

"Out here we are stoned - immaculate"
"I'll tell you this
No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn"

Some notes for future reference.

Departed 8.05
Parking in the layby outside Stonethwaite village 9.45.  Climbing 11.20 - 16.15

Walk in 1 hour 15 minutes, 1 hour 5m return (but via crossing at BMP) back at car 17.40, Threlkeld 18.10 Winston 19.40

Path up to crag starts with a walk up a prominent ridge to the right of a stream which runs down to to the left of Gash Rock.  The good path reveals itself where this small ridge merges with the fellside

50m half ropes essential, enough to reach the belay at the LH chain station but not enough rope left to move back to the top of the routes to watch a second.  An extra length of rope (about 5m) would be useful for this, otherwise to reach the lip of the crag it would be  necessary to untie, attach the ropes to the anchor, then move back down a short wall (on the plate/prussik) and re-tie in on the lower ledge which is flat and roomy.
60m ropes would reach ok.

50m half ropes reach base of crag for abseil purposes