Sunday 28 May 2023

True Grit Durham Style

 Sunday 28th May

It's the Bank Holiday, travelling may be tricky, the regular venues will be well visited, and parking could be a problem. So the Lakes are let go, the Peak will be under pressure, and Northumberland a no-no.   

So time to think outside the box - CB comes up with a rarely visited Durham Esoterica out by the Pennine Way.  Has to be....

Goldsborough Carr!

A spirit of adventure was packed in the sack and was taken all the way up Teesdale to a quality Durham venue, there aren't many of those and this is one of them.  Providing you are a lightweight muscular immortal with a stack of mats below you.

The last time was a long time ago (31/03/1999) and it was well 'ard then only 2 routes done.


Toyed with the North side

Then let it be

The South Side features some enticing walls.

If only you can get up onto them

A solid step ladder would be a big help

6 Routes done across three walls

This is Thin Wall Buttress featuring the Classic Fiddlers Arete at HVS 5b

Maggie's Wall (S4a) and a variant by the arete at about the same grade

The undercut direct is HVS 5b

CB on Maggie's wall, steep at the grade and a nervy top out.  

As per all the routes at this venue

Here's two views of the classic Fiddler's Arete at HVS 5b

© Ian1001 UKC

©Tom Peckitt UKC

CB exits via the descent chute

And return via Pennine Way