Thursday 18 May 2023

Battle of the Bulges

 Thursday 18th May

Chance to conjure a day out before the trip down south, BP shuffles his deck and creates space to join in so it's three Busketeers versus the bulges and breaks of;

Brimham Rocks

Cubic block was first port of call, inevitably.  But three top ropes were already draped down and a fourth in progress.  

Managed to squeeze one route in before the Army boys arrived in force.

Maloja is conveniently located en-route to everywhere else.  So it always gets done.

Rude not to.

AT tries to put on a suitable show for the passing tourists.

Tested previous record of what gear goes where, with mixed results.

The yellow and orange friends make a good pairing to take care of the pleasant finish past the Cannon Hole.

Memo to self;

Don't leave gear on the top.

CB getting Appie.

This might be the alternative start at HS 5a

Would account for AT and BP starting from somewhere else.

Get's more amenable higher up.

BP in similar shape

One of several transitions to the next sector.

A feature of this venue. 

The Cracked Buttress is frequently passed by.

Not today.

CB on Parallel cracks at VS 4c

The finish is a gumption boiler

BP battling with yet another bulge

Attempting a route last done in 2000.

It's got a lot harder since then, and AT abandoned the attempt in favour of a wander back to Cubic Block

CB retrieved AT's new sling from its holiday at the top of Cannon Rock

AT solved Shorty's dilemma with some Binks Beta

BP breaking out on Old Corner 

HVD allegedly

More bulges and big breaks to finish a testing day out