Sunday 26 June 2022

Peak Pandemonium

 Tuesday 21st June

Just a month short of three years since and Peak District action, finally returned to the same venue as back in July 2019 before anyone had heard of SARS Covid-2.   Good to be back post-pandemic, all was peace and quiet until a bunch of veterans turned up mob-handed and pandemonium broke out.  After putting up with the continuous blather we thought of upping sticks to a nearby venue but said party moved on to Millstone.  Leaving us and another team back in the shady glades that grace the base of the quarried lines on;


Heat was building from the get-go, a steady pace and uncomplicated climbing was the order of the day.

Visitors from far afield (Norway and Gloucestershire) enjoying their Peak District debut.

Thanks for use of the ab chaps!

BP kicked our day off with this line (Snail Crack)

Here's the local gang givin' it welly lad!  It wuh reet gudd.

Soon after they headed away for "propuh clarmin" elsewhere.

Peace be with us

AT opts for a wander up Bole Hill.

An awkward mantel at mid height adds interest.

Meanwhile one of ATs shoes went mysteriously missing.

Found hanging off a Norwegian harness!  EH?

BP deals with awkward crux on Nova (HS 4b)

Thought provoking

AT starts the usual gear fest half way up Gingerbread.

Three wires and two cams take care of most of the rest of the route.

No room for error on the final moves.

Belay is bomb proof

Peak debutants going well on Excalibur VS 4c

Sustained climbing.

More sustained stuff.

Great Harry 0

Visitors 2

Floated up it.  Similar to the rock back home?

BP finishes off the day with a fine effort up the corner  of Limpopo Groove.

Hard moves to finish. 

(photo from April 2017)


Time to head for our own drinking hole.....