Wednesday 29 June 2022

Look North

Tuesday 28th June

A week is a long time in   Last  Tuesday was a bit of a blue sky boiler, add seven days and it's strong southerly winds and a high cloud cover.  So given how dry it's been there has to be the prospect of good conditions at the north facing moors classic venue of;

Raven's Scar

Just as planned all was quiet and still in the lee of the imposing dark facets stretching below the crest of Hasty Bank.  A quick confab and an amenable intro to the day led to tackling two variations on the steep walls and breaks of the Airlift monolith.

AT sets up for the airy finish

Belay all pre-arranged courtesy BP

BP took advantage of the pre-set belay and repeated the route

But starting a bit lower down at the bottom of the right right wall. 

Adds a lot to the intimidation factor.

Tumble Down Crack     (VS 5a) has been on the wish list for a while.

Good gear above but AT couldn't find the right moves to make much progress

Despite a combined effort the wish list is where it stays.

BP nearly got to the half way ledge (top left) but had to back off the precarious exit.

TM on this route

Attempted similar shapes but missed out of some holds higher up on the left.

Back on to the spectacular line of Forest Face (HS 4b)

The best route at the grade in the NYM

AT contemplates the moves up the steep undercut groove of En Passant (S 4b)

Turned into a bit of an arm stretching struggle.

Late lunch (protracted efforts on Tumble Down Crack) then BP took a turn on Waterslide (HS 4b)

In better shape than 4 weeks backl, plenty of chalk, a lot less gunge.

Nonetheless very good value

All today's belays in a superb setting

A bit of fun to finish off

Tumble Down Dick is better than it looks

Still not easy having a good time

Route 3 is a DNF
