Thursday 28 April 2022

Twistling the Day Away

 27th April 2022

CB is on a limestone high, spent Tuesday on Giggleswick and once again followed the sun across the Pennines with AT at the wheel, driving past Viaductus Ribbulus for some more prime lime on the off-white walls of;

Twistleton Scar

Quite cold on arrival, air at about 7 degrees with a gentle but very cold NE breeze adding to the chill factor.   Got going straight away and soon after noon clouds parted and some solid rays brought ideal conditions.

Priority (VS 4c) 

CB goes for a good wire to help take care of the rather worrying moves up right across the polished hanging slab

Back in 2012 another climber ponders the line across the slab to where there are footholds that can be relied on.

Ten years have passed and it's still a gibber fest.

Talking of nerves CB seems to have none.

AT has some way to go to reach this level of confidence!

Especially as the doubled 30m rope needed a bit of stretch to reach safe landings.

As Duane Eddy used to say "The twang's the thang.!"

Belays all good

Two more routes up this sector

AT had started up this one (Angel Delight HS4b), and placed the gear, thought about the big move right.

But got cold feet and scooted up the left hand groove instead. (Cold Feet VD)

CB had no such worries with a fine finish to another excellent day.

Ingleborough dominates the skyline


Climbing at cruising altitude