Saturday 16 April 2022

Park Nab Mob Job

 Good Friday April 15th

Today's choice driven by bank holiday factors, in particular avoiding traffic jams, parking pandemonium, and crag chaos.  Taking account optimum weather forecast, it seemed a good call to go for the relative obscurity of;

Park Nab

Arrived at about 10.15, no trouble parking but someone else had already had the same idea!  A couple of guys had rolled down from Chester le Street and beaten us to it.  But that was it for the day and they were good company so all-in-all a good call.

Welcome party laid on by the locals

CB sets out on the monster walk in

All of 10 minutes

The Durham crowd (the two of them) take on Zero Route

Moments before the leader kicked out the gear.

Kept going, not much option!

Cracked off  a few routes, all a bit of a struggle.

CB get's ready to belay AT up the always intimidating Twin Cracks.

Despite a trepidated mind-set and a bit of initial gibbering managed to complete the lead without too much drama.

Finished direct over the rocking capstone

CB after lunch on Pinnacle Crack Right Hand.

It's all in the name.

A tidy top rope by our companions for the day.

Hari Kiri Direct.

Long Bow led by CB, nearly finished off AT struggling on second.

Forked Cracks
Twin Cracks
Lady's Gully
Pinnacle Cracks (Left and Right)
Chockstone Chimney
Wall Bar Buttress
Long Bow 

The sun came out again so a trip to the Jet miners was just a small detour.

Note; D = Desperate
(all grades start from there)