Wednesday 11 August 2021

More County Capers

August 10th 

Once again left in doubt by the fickle forecast, flirted with a trip to Frogatt Edge but we went with the BBC and looked north for the second week running.  In keeping with last week's return to a venue that had been ignored for a while, a fast drive up the A1 led us to the fascinating formations of the sandstone edge at;

Bowden Doors

In fact the last visit on record is 2013. (AT with the Gman) and it was tough going.   Details here

In a burst of optimism (fantasy?), AT set out a HIT LIST of  target routes for the day.

A total of 14 was pretty much a work of fiction for a six hour session, although CB could no doubt have managed that given the right partner.

Managed 11 on the day.  Twice as many as last time.

AT got into gear on a Diff and Vdiff double.

Second Staircase (L) required an unorthodox facing out solution to the exit overhang problem.

Deception Crack (R) gives great 3D climbing with excellent protection.  Now gets a star on UKC.

The Cheviot provides a magnificent setting.

Black and Tan has a hard start but both CB and AT despatched first go.

The Scoop (VS 4c) is pretty run out in the middle third.

CB makes short work of the fingery laybacks on 2nd Leaning Groove.

Despite the absence of any rests until high up, placement of perfect gear was managed with speed and economy as usual.

AT's facsimile ready to tackle the sting in the tail on Scorpion

Banana Wall is a sea of rippling rock with little worthwhile gear.

But CB managed to find a spot for a friend that might have held.

Next week - Frogatt?

Sounds by a Geordie boy

And the mighty Zep