Tuesday 3 August 2021

County Lines

August 3rd

A few weeks back CB mooted the prospect of a return to a venue up in Northumberland (a.k.a "the County" to local inhabitants).  After a mixed week with occasional heavy showers the forecast for Monday started improving from Thursday onwards.  Sunday evening was glorious so we were all set for heading north to the less frequently visited ramparts of Hadrian's Wall and the blocky buttresses of;

Peel Crag

As expected, there was a bit of an amphitheatre atmosphere going on with a continuous stream of walkers and sight seeing types coming along the path to the crag and up over the side path to the Roman Wall.  So the climbs were interspersed with pleasant banter with the invading hordes.  All adding to a really enjoyable day in glorious weather.

CB walking in behind another party.

Sunset (MS allegedly)

AT leads with suprising alacrity considering the weird Whinsill rock takes some getting used to.

Photo of another climber taken later in the day.

Next on the list of County Lines - Twin Cracks (r).

CB had a struggle with some slippery rock on the crux, managed to step right and make alternate moves.  AT on the other hand failed to manage either option.  Got up with some helpful ropework from above.  5b in the conditions today?

The line on the left is Grog, the last route of the day.  Sunset up the middle.

Pic from 2010.

After a rapid retreat down the grades for a pleasant ascent of Ulysses at VDiff, CB ups the ante again on Overhanging Crack (VS 4c).

AT follows much more capably this time.
CB shot up Tiger's Overhang.
(pic ©odox UKC)

Which promptly shot down AT's attempt at a clean second.

For future reference, commit to the rh high foothold and reach for the good spike handhold.

Two more routes left
AT back down the grades for a nip up Route 1
CB up Grog at Severe 
(A very good route left of Sunset)

CB took charge of  most nearly all rope coiling in the interest of leaving AT with enough in the tank for climbing.

Towards the end of the afternoon the walkers began to drop to just a few, at peak time it was a procession.

Sponsored by Troll pants.

Todays venue a glorious setting

Perfect spot for refreshments found in Corbridge, outside seats facing west.