Friday 28 May 2021

Return to Rhyolite

 Thursday May 27th

After over 22 months absence, the time was finally right for a return to Lakeland.  NB takes break from house moving business and free to roam.  Despite demanding quite a long distance solo drive for both, the temptation to get back amongst the much missed destinations out west trumped all other considerations.    NB suggested a great venue to kick us off;

Upper  Scout Crag - Langdale

From Darlington about 1 hour 50 via Red Bank, about ten minutes less via the M6 from Clitheroe way. 

NB assembling gear for the start of  Route 2, which starts up the stepped buttress in the left background.

 Moving smoothly up the crux of the second pitch.

AT on P2

Pic from 2016

The gear is good but even better if all quickdraws are clipped......

Not to mention the advantages of keeping pockets all zipped up.

Good belays are hard to find up top but NB got some bomber gear in on the upper ledge.

Doggo takes a break after a bit of soloing

After a spot of bait AT sets about Route 1 first pitch.  Often suffers seepage in the first few metres, today particularly soppy.

Opted for a roomy lower belay from a good block backed up with a large cam.

Better than the bigger block higher up.

NB gains the fine arete of Pitch 2.

Superb position in a fabulous setting

(excuse the superlatives but 21 months is a long while)

The second of the following pair reaches the same point.

AT climbed the corner a few metres left of the climber

The grassy descent path is v exposed.  

Spot the yellow dot - the next target.

Libations de rigeur as usual.