Thursday 20 May 2021

Almscliff Antics

 Wednesday 19th May

The unpredictable weather spell drags on in a rather cool autumnal rut.  So short notice planning is the name of the game, 10am till 2pm looked like a worthwhile slot at the all too accessible;


CB follows AT's lead on Stewpot.  Belay up top and additional friend for the top out thanks to BP

AT not exactly cooking on gas on this top-end VDiff.!

CB followed this with fun and games (?) on the Square Chimney and Whisky Crack combo.

The Chimney only succumbs to traditional tactics.

Otherwise known as desperate.

Not used to watching CB have to work so hard for so little height gain.

BP emerges intact after an epic struggle.

AT finally makes progress with the help of some useful tips from BP (the right arm behind was the key, except it nearly went out of joint) and a very tight rope from CB.

BP jams the way to the finishing jugs.

All pretty exhausting at a mere 4b.

Pinnacle Flake offers more amenable movements after a rather tricky lower third.

CB back to cruising settings.

AT makes the most of the jamming hands on Kiernan's Traverse and Rough Crack

CB and BP managed to follow before the weather gave up and rain stopped play at about 13.30.  Just as planned.

Three hours of excellent sport well worth the trip.