Sunday 9 August 2020

More W_More

 Friday August 7th

The Return of Mr B, almost a year to the day, various combinations enforcing a long lay off.  Even before then the summer of 2019 had been pretty much written off testing the best of the local NHS and recovering.

No action photos, suffice to say that all problems dealt with and despatched in good order.

Plenty of People out, a trio of acquaintances from over the Pennines, another group of three, and a gang of youngsters on a supervised session.

Routes done

All TR

Grassy Crack

Wall St

Lime St





Wall St

(*) Regrettably lived up to it's name, whilst scrambling up ledges to switch anchors a big block collapsed under foot and banged up AT right shin.  FA kit came into action.  The threesome leading at the LH side (out of sight) returned with a walking wounded, having dislodged a large block whilst seconding which ratlled past his foot leaving badly bruised toes in its wake.  Fortunately nobody below.

So despite its user friendly setting, Windmore remains a venue that bites back.  (2008 solo faller helicopter evacuation comes to mind).