Saturday 22 August 2020

Family Favourites

 August 16th - 22nd

Vikki and Pete arrive on our 35th Anniversary.  Celebrated the night before with a take away special from the Bay Horse, Two three course meals and a bottle for £50, offer now finished.

Good weather Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, a foody, drinky, day trippy week!

The little astronaut is mobile!

Monday Meat Fest

V makes a nice greek veggie bake on the side


Trip to Whitley Bay for another lawn lunch 

Stroll to Spanish City


Scenic drive over the moors to a glorious day at Whitby!

Magpie alleyway exit.

Superb day out!

Classic Whitby scenes


Wild wind and lashing it down until about 2pm

Trip to Teesside for M&V

A&P chez Briar