Saturday 22 August 2020

Family Favourites

 August 16th - 22nd

Vikki and Pete arrive on our 35th Anniversary.  Celebrated the night before with a take away special from the Bay Horse, Two three course meals and a bottle for £50, offer now finished.

Good weather Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, a foody, drinky, day trippy week!

The little astronaut is mobile!

Monday Meat Fest

V makes a nice greek veggie bake on the side


Trip to Whitley Bay for another lawn lunch 

Stroll to Spanish City


Scenic drive over the moors to a glorious day at Whitby!

Magpie alleyway exit.

Superb day out!

Classic Whitby scenes


Wild wind and lashing it down until about 2pm

Trip to Teesside for M&V

A&P chez Briar


Friday 14 August 2020

Grade Deflation

 August 13th

A-Level Grades released today, cue major controversy over adjustments to grades.

Someone should come and do a similar job over at;

Twistleton Scar;

Arrived to find the army cadets camped out in the main sectors.   So drawn to a couple of compelling lines on the walls left of the descent gully.  Cue spanking for AT.


Timbuktu (left)

Guide grade HS 4c


A great lead by CB

Offset by a poor 2nd.

VS 5a in my book.

The start moves up Julio Pero to the ledge below the RH groove to the ledge are desperate.

CB made it with some power and trickery

UKC  S4b

Guide S

HS 4c  in my book

CB finishes it off, after it had finished me off.

One of the two battalions seeing action at the crag.

AT recovered a modicum of form up Night Club


Guide VD

AT - Severe

Another view (pic from the guide book - © Adi Gill)

A bong went in here and the head came back into gear.

Finished on Skeleton Scoop 

VD going on S4b 

Surprise surprise

Mountainous cloud east of Ribble Head

Timbuktu (CB. ATdog)  HS 4c

Julio Pio (CB ATdog) S

Dr Banda (AT) Diff

Night Club (AT) VD

Skeleton Scoop (CB) VD

All grades as per guide

Ego in need of re-inflation.

Sunday 9 August 2020

More W_More

 Friday August 7th

The Return of Mr B, almost a year to the day, various combinations enforcing a long lay off.  Even before then the summer of 2019 had been pretty much written off testing the best of the local NHS and recovering.

No action photos, suffice to say that all problems dealt with and despatched in good order.

Plenty of People out, a trio of acquaintances from over the Pennines, another group of three, and a gang of youngsters on a supervised session.

Routes done

All TR

Grassy Crack

Wall St

Lime St





Wall St

(*) Regrettably lived up to it's name, whilst scrambling up ledges to switch anchors a big block collapsed under foot and banged up AT right shin.  FA kit came into action.  The threesome leading at the LH side (out of sight) returned with a walking wounded, having dislodged a large block whilst seconding which ratlled past his foot leaving badly bruised toes in its wake.  Fortunately nobody below.

So despite its user friendly setting, Windmore remains a venue that bites back.  (2008 solo faller helicopter evacuation comes to mind).

Ann 71

 Saturday August 8th

Family get together - first since Christmas excepting of course the regular Zoom quiz sessions.

Blessed with perfect weather for a garden fuddle Chez Hez.  Lovely grub, fizz etc. and loads of catch up chat!  

Phil soaks it all up

Hosts doing a great job

Fabulous afternoon.