Tuesday 11 June 2019


Monday 10th June

Finally the best conditions prevail west of the Pennines, and the Lakeland option is back on the table.  So time to switch from the Scugdale six metre recreation and sniff the Class-A lines on the magnificent ramparts of;

Castle Rock of Triermain

Once again NB joins to continue the quest to amass points towards the coveted MBA award, and to seek new angles on today's action from behind a high tech super zoom Leica lens pixel poacher.

Foxgloves out in force this year

AT gets into the crux groove on Slab Climb

BP in transit

Lilith keeps left and follows the obvious crack

BP opens up an account on Wall Climb

The same old fabulous scene


 Can't beat a bit on the side

AT pays attention to foot work

 The loneliness of the long distant photographer

Perfect spot to capture
some skyline specials
AT takes the Gangway to the top

BP joins the Gang with some fine moves in a superb position

Kleine Rinne ist doch kein kleines Bier!

The krux requires kommitment.

Mr P has plenty.

AT says Jawohl to a snug rope!

Then saves Direct Route for another day and sticks to the
Easia Media option

The lower moves are quite exciting though the holds are mostly huge

Such recreation must surely be illegal?

Next Stop?

Wall Climb
Slab Climb

Via Media
Kleine Rinne

Dodged the Travellers' tail-back via Warcop and Gt Musgrave

Whupped 'em again Josey!

More pictures