Wednesday 19 June 2019

Artisan Style

Tuesday 18th June

Midsummer fast approaching, but the good weather days remain rare.  Tuesday proved to be a major exception, pretty soon the decision was unanimous.  Today's venue set with a combined aims of easy access, seldom visited, quick drying, sunny aspect, some challenge, and suitable for a team of three.

Raven Crag, Walthwaite
A unanimous choice meeting all requirements.  What's more the forecast came good and apart for a bit of slight seepage conditions perfect for some traditional artisan style climbing

CB sets the scene on Route 2 P1

BP on P2

This top quality route deserves a much more creative name

Varied climbing on very clean and (mostly) sound rock with enough gear

AT stayed on route for a while, then lost a sense of Enterprize.

CB sticks to the arete as per guide

CB on a variation start to Walthwaite Gully

Thuggy moves helped along by a snuggy rope courtesy CB

Mr P heaves away

The top pitch demands precise footwork

And some fine positions

AT follows

Puts faith in a faint foothold

BP emerges

The team returns to attempt Enterprize by the actual route description

The middle section is somewhat run out.

BP holds it together in great style

CB finishes off a fine day out

AT's MBA award rescinded following failure to maintain adequate seconding duties

CB retrieves missing gear and earns knighthood

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