Thursday 26 July 2018


Wednesday 25th July

And the heat goes on.  Looking for a bit of breeze and a user friendly crag with a range of amenable routes. What could fit that bill better than a trip up to high Wrynose and an easy walk up to the rough rock of

Long Scar

Headed to the left hand side beyond Katy's Dilemma to explore some untravelled territory and see what's on offer.

A party already experiencing the true meaning of Katy's Dilemma

Quite a few teams on the crag today

NB puts in a Nightshift

Dot's Delight follows a very nice clean stack of slabs up the buttress, one of the more obvious lines

As is this one further right, another team on the epynomous
Long Scar Groove

AT - inspired by the fine positions, just has to get grooving.

Camera tested and working

Ready for the groovy moves

Worth the 4a tech grade

AT is no prima donna but just can't wait to
Get Into The Groove

Steep, but good holds and big gear

Super climbing

Finished direct for extra sport

NB goes looking for Lucy, turns out to be VDiff to locate

No sign up here.......

So an unamed line at about HVD between the previous route and Great White, which tackles the obvious white shield direct at 4c

AT followed up the latter for yet more sport

The crag enjoys a spectacular setting

Dot's Delight
Great White (dotted)
"Looking for Lucy" (?)
Long Scar Groove

Langdale's Finest