Wednesday 18 July 2018

ALT-Yarncliffe Esoterica

The drought comes to a sudden end with a some rain across most of the north.  But the storage heater effecs just burns it all off.  What's more some routes more usually relegated to esoterica by slime muck and moss have dried out, cleaned up by locals and so become temporarily COMPELLING.  Some examples of these to be found on the north facing facets at

A couple of looseners on the main face

Ants Wall (BP)

AT led Ant's Crack on the left

Brush comes in handy

A short walk leads to the Zapple sector.

North Facing routes benefiting from a month of hot weather

BP takes stock after smoking a way up the crux of Fall Pipe

(VS 4c **)

Zapple LH follows the zig zag crack and could go at HVS 5a next time?

Protection is great

But the crux demands some bottle with hard moves above the last gear

Get up there!!

Back to the main crag

AT sets up for the bold few moves up the headwall of Cardinal's Arete

A fine line

A bit run out

Meanwhile other parties tackle Ant's Arete and Latecomer

STP follows the obvious crack on the right.  Came well recommended by one of the other parties.  Very rarely in such clean condition.

BP just had to get it done!

Top end VS 4c.

A full set of jams required.

No action shots, close to the limit especially gaining the top crack.

Things going well enough to attempt the technical Cardinal's Slab at VS 5a

Unfortunately there was insufficient technique in the tank, had to abort and move up the VDiff next door

Routes to come back to pronto!

Pedestal Arete HS 4b moves up the steps from the right and goes up the arete on the left before finishing on the right.

Capital Cracks VS 4c goes up the obvious central crack via a  hard start from the left

Note; Cardinal Arete 4b start